Questionnaire Evaluation

Questionnaire Evaluation

For our AS Media, we were asked to create a school magazine questionnire to help us with our school magazine which we wll be designing.his has helped me to see who my target audience will be, what the year groups want from the school, what they want in it, and overall it has been very successful as now i know what to include in my school magazine and what the school students want.

Here is what i found out in terms of the questions i chose:

  1. Majority said yes.
  2. Some wanted longer break and lunch times, nicer commn room and better internet browser.
  3. Results differed from year 7 to year13.
  4. Results varied from male and female.
  5. Miixed opinion from yes and no.
  6. Some wanted more language classes, dance clubs and chess clubs.
  7. Most students said pictures, captions, headings, colours and school news.
  8. Students said pictures, school games, headings and general news.
  9. Students sad sport, celebrity news, gossip, games and gadgets.
  10. Students said cheaper food, no finger scanning system and shorter queueing time.