Possible Music Magazine Names

Possible Music Magazine Names

Music Mix = Music Mix is catchy and the alliteration that has been created rolls off the tongue of whoever says the name. It also states clearly what sort of magazine it is so readers will have no confusion about what type it is. It is short and snappy and therefore people will like it.

Amped = Amped is a magazine that could be for a target audience of people who enjoy listening to rock music. This is because of the name "Amped". This refers to an amplifier for an electic guitar. The name is also short and snappy and easy to say. Like "Music Mix" people know the type of magazine it is straight away.

Rhythm and Beats = The name of this magzine could be for an intended target audience of people who enjoy R&B music. This is very easily understandable to the target audience  as R&B is an abbreviation of Rhythm and Beats. Like the other two magazine names you can eaily see who it is intended for.

Harmony = This magazine name suggests there isn't an intended target audience, unlike the other three i have mentioned. It is only one word, so it is very easy to say and is not longdrawn. It is also very catchy. As it is only one word it is very short and is very snappy.