Possible Intended Genres For Target Audiences

Possible Intended Genres For Target Audiences

Punk bands = This could be a possible target audience as they have been very successful magazines in the past. If i make a punk magazine, it could be successful like others, or, as there are many magazines with this sort of genre, people may not like it. The possible target audience for this type of magazine, would be to any age. It could be aimed at teenagers, young adults, or even older. Age isnt a factor in this as you could be any age and enjoy a particular genre.

New and upcoming bands = There is definitely a gapi the market for a magazine with this type of genre. There are very few with the same contents as this therefore is is not in a competitive market. People would buy this magazine type as they are always interested in new bands. They would like to see the music they play, if it is any good, and the type of music they play. The magazine will promote new and upcoming bands from a variety of different genres. Whether it is punk, pop, indie, rock or even hip hop. The possible target audience would be people who are aged between 16-24. This is because they are the sort of people who are more likely to see new and upcoming artists at gigs or concerts.

House music = There is easliy a gap in the market for this type of magazine. It will have hardly any competition, making it be more likely to be a success due to not having many magazines with this type of music. It would be very helpful also as there will be numerous artists and popular and new song titles so if people who are "clubbing" dont know the song or artist, there is a good chance they will find what they are looking for. People may also buy it if they want to know more about house music. They want to know what it is and what sort of music is created. The possible intended target audience would be for people who are old enough to go clubbing, as they are more likely to feel connected to the type of magazine.

Popular female artists = This will be for an intended target audience of people who are young teenagers and below. It will be more intended predomininantly to girls. This is because female pop artists are more appealing to them. They are at the age when they are becoming more interested in music. There is definitely a gap in the market for this type of magazine as there are very little magazine who specialize in this type of magazine.

R&B music = This type of magazine will be towards an intended target audience of people who enjoy R&B music. It will be aimed at any age, from young teenagers, and above. There is a gap in the market for this type of magazine as there are few R&B magazines, making it more of a chance to be a hit to people. This is because the music they enjoy are very rarely in magazine, so, if there is a magazine designed for their taste in music, this would appeal to them massively.