magazine research

This magazine will appeal to almost every child as it has key assets on the front cover to make children want the magazine. One reason that the " kids " would want the " Cbeebies " magazine is that all their favourite characters from their favourite TV shows from " Cbeebies " are on the front cover so they would immediately want it. Another key reason that children would want the magazine is that the magazine title " Cbeebies" is made up off the TV programmes " mascots " and the kids think this is " cool " and " fun ". The colours in this magazine play a lar ge part in making the children want the magazine as all the colours symbalise happiness, and with eveyone smiling in the picture gives off a fiendly vibe which make the children feel " happy " and makes them feel like they are directly smiling at them and makes them want the magazine. One of the most key reasons what appeals to the children is that on the cover it say you recieve a free gift with every purchase. This is very appealing to kids as it excites them as they wonder what will the gift be? And they know the only way to find out is if they get the magazine. Overall the " Cbeebies " magazine is very good at attracting kids into wanting their magazine and appeals them in many ways throught the use of offering free gifts, effective clouring and the use of the kids' favourite TV shows on " Cbeebies ",