
Reflections on my work so far:

Magazine Cover Analysis

I feel the two magazines i chose to analyse was very good. I chose two contrasting magazines with two very different topics on the front cover. I found that i could find the techniques used within the cover the reasons for it, and how the cover is aimed at its target audience. Overall i found i succeeded in analysing the magazine cover's.


I find "blogging" at sometimes quite hard to navigate. This is because sometimes i don't know how to upload new posts. however, when i eventually know hoe to, i find it easy, and know how to then look at my previous posts which i have published on blooger. I also know how to edit my blogs. Overtime, when i become more familiar with blogging, i will find it much more easier.


I felt the questions i chose were reasonable, and felt that i was able to see what the students wanted. However, one of my questions was quite vague and bland and didn't show  me what their opinions were, inlike the questions i asked.

Flat Plan

I felt the flat plan was quite difficult as i didn't know really how to structure it. I also found it hard as i couldn't find a suitable name for the magazine, i felt however i had good sub-headings which would appeal to students.


I felt that taking photos was quite easy. However, cropping them was very hard and difficult. It was also quite hard to upload them. I think on this particular topic i struggled with.